1. Presumptive Signs and Symptoms
- 1o days delayed of menstrual period
- breast enlarge and becomes tender
- nipples enlarge with darken pigmentation
- "chadwick's sign"- the bluish discoloration of the vaginal wall
- striae gravidarum- formation of white lines over the abdomen, thigh or on the breast
- nausea and vomiting in the morning during the first trimester. called as morning sickness
- quickening- fetal movement- felt by the mother on the 16th week after cessation of menstruation
- frequent urination due to pressure to the bladder from the enlarging abdomen
2.Probable Signs and Symptoms
- Hegar's sign- softening of the lower uterine segment after 6 weeks from the onset of last menses
- Goodell's sign- softening of the cervix
- Braxton Hicks contraction- painless palpable contraction at irregular intervals
- Ballottement-sinking and rebounding in its amniotic fluid
- fetal body can be measure through manual palpation examination
- pregnancy test with positive result
3.Positive Signs and Symptoms
- Fetal heartbeat heard with fetoscope and heard starting on the 16th week of pregnancy
- visualization of the fetus through ultrasound
- fetal movement is palpable by the examiner on the 20th week of gestation
Source: maternal nursing books, my nursing notes