- it is an inflammatory condition of the pelvic cavity that may involve the fallopian tubes and ovaries, pelvic peritoneum or pelvic vascular system
- due to invasion of staphylococcus, streptococcus or other venerial organisms from outside through the cervical canal to the uterus and into the pelvic by way of lymphatic channels, uterine veins or the fallopian tubes
- abdominal pain
- nausea and vomiting
- high grade fever
- malaise
- weakness
- malodorous, purulent vaginal discharge
- leukocytosis
1. Control the spread of infection
- proper handling of perenial pads,by using instrument to pick up or sterile globes
- proper disposal of soil pads by putting in plastic put in the trash box
- careful handwashing technique procedure before and after attending the patient
2 Comforting patient from pain by applying hot bags to the abdomen externally , hot douches may ordered to improve circulation
3. Monitor vital sign and record for doctor's evaluation of the disease
4. Observe of patient's physical and mental response to the treatment
5. Observe the nature and amount of vaginal discharge are very necessary to guide the doctor's future therapy
UNTREATED PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE -( PID )- will lead to pelvic discomfort
- a scar tissue may close the fallopian tube and may cause ectopic pregnancy or sterility
- may develop adhesion
- are common development that may eventually require removal of the uterus , tubes and ovaries